You will receive a link to your system. The assigned Administrator will upload each class teacher into the system, then upload the names, mobile numbers and contact emails of each pupil and assign to their class.
Lessons are then uploaded by the class teacher. A 40-minute lesson will take about 5 to 10 minutes to upload, provided that material is in electronic universal format (PDF, MP4, MP3, various image formats). Universal format is required because of the different operating systems on phones and proprietary software required to read many programmes – Word, Powerpoint, MOV files are examples.
Links to websites or specific programmes or web content (BBC I-player or Youtube are two examples) can be uploaded into a lesson in place of original content.
A lesson may comprise a video or audio file (of the class teacher explaining the lesson), a video link (from YouTube or content provider), worksheets, photographs. The final section of the upload offers the option to set a test, or series of questions, to confirm that the lesson has been followed and understood.
Each lesson may have attached ‘revision points’ and/or a document(s) attached which will stay in the pupil’s account as a reminder of the lesson.
As soon as the lesson is published, it can be assigned to the class. Assignment can be instantaneous or scheduled or assigned on a date.
It is possible to assign different lessons to different pupils within a class, to target pupils with particular needs.
And each pupil will have their assigned day’s work in their account each day.